Partnership with Parker Library
The Relationship Between the Rotary Club of Parker and the Parker Library/Douglas County Library (DCL) Foundation
The Rotary Club of Parker generously donates $1,000 annually to the Parker Library. In return, DCL’s foundation honors the Club’s weekly speakers with a children’s picture book thoughtfully selected to honor either the topic of the speech or the speaker’s occupation and accomplishments. In addition, the library places a bookplate in the book to honor the speaker and recognize Rotary's contribution. The bookplate is visible to all library customers who borrow the item, which promotes the partnership between Parker Rotary Club and DCL as the item circulates throughout the community. Each speaker receives a congratulatory letter notifying them of the book chosen in their honor.
Here is a sample of the book plate placed in a book chosen to honor a speaker:
The Parker Library makes tremendous contributions to the well-being of Parker. Here are some library stats from 2020:
- Through Book Start, we reach approximately 22,000 children per year. Book Start brings Storytime to childcare centers throughout Douglas County.
- Cuddle Up and Read serves about 4,800 families with newborns in Douglas County.
- We have 600 children registered for our 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program.
- Douglas County Libraries engaged more than 7,700 children and 1,100 teens in summer reading programs.
- DCL had approximately 2 million children’s items in circulation in 2020.
- At our branches, more than 1,000 in-person and 220 virtual offerings for children took place. Approximately 40,000 children participated in these offerings.
Coming soon! Douglas County Libraries are looking forward to joining Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library in 2023! In this program, all children between 0-5 years of age are eligible to receive a free book every month .
The Rotary Club of Parker is pleased to be a part of this important literacy promotion project in affiliation with the local Parker Library.